Friday, March 4, 2016

Environmental Toxins: What you need to know!

Industrial Empire has not been good to, or for our planet. Decades of consumerism have left her vulnerable and weakened. Add to that, Fracking for oil, which displaces pressure on the tectonic plates, and releases sedentary gases and spores. On top of this, it seems we are unwillingly participating in a genetic mutation experiment known as GMO's or genetically modified organisms which is quite literally eroding our D.N.A., and altering the human species.

 An example is found with vaccines whose aborted fetal cells, appear to be one of the causes of Autism: Dr. Brownstein MD at Health Impact News

If this wasn't enough to make your head spin, there also exists, a concerted effort on the part of Corporate interest$, to prevent disclosure of much of this information, by any means possible including what is known as a "Disinformation Campaign"  that is being waged against consumers. Where paid "shills" in media and social media, are paid to discount, distract, and diminish the value of this vital, life saving information. 

Companies such as Monsanto, spend millions to fight labeling, so they can continue what they've done to the Earth, on you. Monsanto is a chemical company. Their pesticide Round-Up, is mutating fish and frogs; along with air quality, it is adding to the murder of the Sequoias; they also are responsible for Vietnam's: Agent Orange...a neuro-toxin. 
Monsanto; food production? Monsanto has taken over the USDA
Monsanto's Food Production Monopoly
Ask yourself...why? 
Cognitive dissonance is what you end up with; our society is suffering from this very side effect. Your mind is throwing up the red flag, but the normalcy bias, along with the multitude of distractions of modern society, forces the thought away by rationalizing, or justifying it. Part of Monsanto's disinformation campaign involved acquiring the patent on the word "Organic". That's right, the wolf is in charge of the sheep pen. USDA owns term "Organic"
Monsanto Executive/Attorney heads the FDA

GMO Companies & Products 

 Non GMO Brands

Now let's look at what we are being distracted by: devices of all shapes, sizes and frequencies. Our so called modern society has ushered in the digital age of radiation, and toxic magnetic pulses.

SO, what the heck can we do about all this? 

Understand it and how it effects you and your loved ones. 

Radiation symptoms:
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Skin Rash
  • Headache
  • Intestinal Issues
  • Fever
  • Dizziness
  • Disorientation
  • Weakness/fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Bloody vomit/stools
  • Infections/poor wound healing
  • Low blood pressure
  • Muscle weakness
Methane Poisoning:
  • Headaches
  • Heart palpitations
  • Upper Respiratory 
  • Cognitive impairment (poor judgement, memory loss)
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of motor coordination
  • Flu-like symptoms (mental uneasiness, lethargy, discomfort)
  • Muscle weakness
Co2 Poisoning:
  • Dull headache
  • Weakness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Muscle Weakness
ELF/ELP/Electromagnetic frequencies and pulses: Dr. Jack Kruse, Neuro-Surgeon
  • Smart Meters
  • Computers
  • Cellphones
  • TV
These pulses destroy our pineal gland which receives our bio-codex information, needed for the evolution of our species to our triple helix D.N.A. original human blueprint; they are also especially dangerous to children: 

"Based on the research, when exposure to EMFs is reduced, healing energies flow more freely and the body begins to heal. The nervous system and acupuncture meridian system are released from constriction. A calmness sets in. The pineal gland increases its production of hormones and important chemicals that control and effect physical, emotional and mental functioning. There is also an increase in overall energy. Cells no longer function as though in a state of emergency. As well there is increased production, uptake and cell retention of important electrolytes such as lithium, potassium, sodium and calcium. These electrolytes or ions are important for every bodily function. Because the body becomes more efficient, greater benefits are received from nutrition, supplements and healing therapies. In terms of emotional and mental changes, people report improved sense of well being, clarity, concentration, and improved anger management. The benefits that have been reported for children show that there is marked improvement in hyperactive ADHD and asthmatic children. There are reports of increased calmness, attention span and impulse control.

Children have relatively more brain fluid and thinner skulls than adults, so they are more susceptible to EMFs than adults. A 1 year old child can absorb almost twice as much radiation per kilo as an adult. Try to teach EMF minimizing practices to your children while they are young so that it becomes part of their lifestyle. Do not use a cell phone or cordless phone while holding a child. Most baby monitors use digital wireless technology and the EMFs that they produce can be more powerful than living near a cell phone tower. So concerned mothers will want to consider using protection on these devices ."

"Pets may be at risk if they touch or eat plants that are still wet with spray from products containing glyphosate. Animals exposed to products with glyphosate may drool, vomit, have diarrhea, lose their appetite, or seem sleepy."

Things you can do:

Demand answers from legislators! Email your local politicians; Google their contact info; email and call their offices; leave nice polite messages; write nice polite emails and tell them in no uncertain terms that you want answers, disclosure, and for the causation to be effectively mitigated.

Limit your outdoor activities on high alert days. You can check the daily rads here: 

Things you can use:
Sea Salt (Iodine)
Peppermint Oil
Sandalwood Oil
Rosemary Oil
Vitamin C for liver support
Milk Thistle for nausea
Orgones (made with Wilhem Reich's specs)
Elite Noble Shungite (

Things you can eat:
  1. Spirulina
  2. Chlorella
  3. Seaweed
  4. Kelp
  5. Black / Green Tea
  6. Garlic
  7. Onions
  8. Wheat Grass
  9. Apples (and other fruits rich in pectin)
  10. Lemons
  11. Parsley
  12. Beets
  13. Sauerkraut
  14. Ginger
  15. Avocado
  16. Horseradish
  17. Kale (and other leafy greens)
  18. Broccoli
  19. Coconut oil
  20. Rosemary

WATER, WATER, WATER!!! Flush it!

They Call Them Magic Mushrooms for a Reason!

Read more here:

The Ultimate in Detox!!! Super High Antioxidant~Neutralize

Mushrooms Can also Detox the Environment; Mushrooms can Save the World!

Check out TEDTALK's Paul Stamets who is a pioneer advocate for Mushroom Therapy for toxic waste dumps, among many other applications, including our bodies and minds!

"Discover" article on the use of mushrooms to clean up toxic 

shaman Wendi
#environmentaltoxins, #detox, #mushrooms, #earthmedicine, #shamanwendi, #mindbodyspirit, #selfhealing, #orangeray3, #gaiarisingnowtv

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